Sandhill House Luxury Bed and Breakfast and the self-catering Tamar Orchard Barn are just a 5 minute from a great traditional local fair, the Callington Honey Fair. And, after all it has apparently been a 'bumper' year for honey so there is much to celebrate after last year's disaster for our precious bee population.
The annual Callington Honey Fair has been taking place since 1978 when local businessman John Trewithick resurrected the street fair last seen in the 1940's.
The fair has its origins in the 13th century when in 1267 Henry III granted a number of market charters to help fund the re-building of Westminster Abbey (the first named occupant of Sandhill was 1296, another 29 years later). This permitted the holding of weekly Wednesday markets and an annual fair. Some 25 years later the Lord of the Manor of Callington confirmed the charter. These early markets died down after a few years and it is not until the 19th century that Honey Fairs became established again in the local area. Most towns in the South East of Cornwall held such a fair but as far as we know only Callington still retain the name 'Honey Fair'.
On the first Wednesday in October, the Honey Fair is the biggest street fair in Cornwall with street traders, entertainers and exhibitors from far afield. This established tradition was revived in 1978 and is now run by Callington Lions Club. Attractions usually include street and charity stalls, a shop window competition and a visiting Fun Fair.